Our Utility Accounting Software Will Save You Money!
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If you operate multiple facilities, you know that getting a grip on your electricity, natural gas, water, sewer, garbage, and other utility use and costs can be challenging. Utility Management Services (UMS) provides the utility accounting software tools and expertise to ensure that you know how your facilities compare in utility performance, where opportunities for savings exist, and that only correct bills get paid... and paid efficiently.
Control Your Utility Costs
If your organization is scrambling for energy data, you're not alone. Both The Utility Manager software and The Energy Center software can help you track your usage and expenses of not only electricity, but natural gas, water, sewer, garbage, and other utilities as well. The Utility Manager software is installed on your network and The Energy Center software is 100% web-based. Either product can help you compare the efficiency of your various facilities and pinpoint where action needs to be taken.
See software features and pricing.
Contact us or order software
Call 415-488-4652 or 707-778-9930 or email us at info@utilityaccounting.com.